At the end of the month of may, after harvesting the barley, we started planting corn on the grounds of irrigated Arpon has to do this. Today, two months later and seeing as sprouting cultivation can ensure that the harvest will be good.
A good harvest of maize is important because it depends much of our cows feeding in the coming months. This crop will begin to harvest in September and will serve as a forage food from our dairy cows.
One of the advantages of Arpon is the have 160 hectares (intended for maize irrigation 25) to cultivate their own fodder and thus:
- It ensures that the quality of farmed products is optimal because it directly affects the health of the cows and the taste of her milk.
- The farm allows independent oscillations of fodder prices in the domestic market. These prices have two years to increase by strong external demand and the production costs of many Spanish farms are unworkable to avocando them to a close.
The photos that we show in this publication have been taken yesterday afternoon and this morning.